Saturday, 11 July 2015

Vocabulary Words

1. RUMINATE (VERB): think about seriously
Synonyms: brainstorm, meditate Antonyms: discard, ignore
Example Sentence:
Before I make any major decisions, I need to ruminate on all the facts.

2. CULINARY (ADJECTIVE): able to be consumed
Synonyms: edible, dietary Antonyms: uneatable, distasteful
Example Sentence:
Her culinary skills were amazing. I especially loved her pasta dish.

Synonyms: jealous, calumnious Antonyms: lovable, likeable
Example Sentence:
So many officials have made so many mistakes over so many years that it would be invidious to select a single example of incompetence. ­­

4. FIRMAMENT (NOUN): heaven
Synonyms: vault, welkin Antonyms: hell
Example Sentence:
But to judge by the twinkling summer stars that filled the firmament, the dawn was still far off.

5. RIVULET (NOUN): small river
Synonyms: brook, stream
Example Sentence:
But, requesting anonymity, some customs staff told the BBC that at night, smugglers fix ropes at both sides of a rivulet that separates the Nepal-Tibet border.

6. CONCILIATORY (ADJECTIVE): placid, yielding
Synonyms: appeasing, calm Antonyms: fighting, stubborn
Example Sentence:
After the war was over, the formerly warring countries were suddenly conciliatory at the peace conference.

7. JAMBOREE (NOUN): noisy celebration
Synonyms: gathering, party
Example Sentence:
In 1929 some of our scouts attended the jamboree held at Arrowe Park, Birkenhead.

8. HOSPICE (NOUN): hospital
Synonyms: clinic, emergency room
Example Sentence:
How much money do you need to build the new hospice?

9. BROACH (VERB): bring up a topic
Synonyms: moot, mention Antonyms: withdraw, take back
Example Sentence:
My friend was proud of her new dress, so no one knew how to broach the subject with
her of how ugly someone can look in leather pants.

10. CATHARSIS (NOUN): purging, purification
Synonyms: ablution, cleansing Antonyms: dirtying
Example Sentence:
To someone with psychological problems, discussing things with a psychiatrist can lead to a catharsis.

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